Welcome to my website!
I am a research scientist in the atmospheric physics division at the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory.
I am interested in the role of clouds in the climate system.
You can check out my research page
to learn more about my projects.
Prior to my current position, I was a
NOAA C&GC postdoc
hosted by
Robert Pincus
and Yi Ming.
I defended my PhD in July 2023 in the
Department of Environmental Science and Engineering
at Caltech.
I worked with Tapio Schneider
studying boundary layer clouds and their interactions with greenhouse gases, aerosols, and radiation.
I use global climate models, pencil-and-paper theory,
high-resolution large-eddy models, and satellite observations in my research.
In my free time, you can find me playing with my cat Stella,
exploring the food scene of NYC, or escaped to the mountains to hike/ski.